Integration with FluxTraining.jl
We have bindings in the form of WandbBackend
which can be used as a dropin replacement for the default TensorboardBackend
. Just ensure that FluxTraining.jl
is installed and loaded explicitly.
Let's go through the FluxTraining.jl MNIST example and update it to use Wandb.
using Flux, FluxTraining, Wandb, Dates
using MLUtils: splitobs, unsqueeze
using MLDatasets: MNIST
using Flux: onehotbatch
using Flux.Data: DataLoader
# import data
data = MNIST(:train)[:]
const LABELS = 0:9
# unsqueeze to reshape from (28, 28, numobs) to (28, 28, 1, numobs)
preprocess((data, targets)) = unsqueeze(data, 3), onehotbatch(targets, LABELS)
# traindata and testdata contain both inputs (pixel values) and targets (correct labels)
traindata = MNIST(Float32, :train)[:] |> preprocess
testdata = MNIST(Float32, :test)[:] |> preprocess
# create iterators
trainiter, testiter = DataLoader(traindata, batchsize=128), DataLoader(testdata, batchsize=256);
# create model and optimizer
model = Chain(Conv((3, 3), 1 => 16, relu, pad = 1, stride = 2),
Conv((3, 3), 16 => 32, relu, pad = 1), GlobalMeanPool(), Flux.flatten,
Dense(32, 10))
lossfn = Flux.Losses.logitcrossentropy
optimizer = Flux.ADAM();
# prepare learner
logwandb = LogMetrics(WandbBackend(project = "Wandb.jl",
name = "fluxtrainingjl-integration-$(now())"))
learner = Learner(model, lossfn; callbacks=[ToGPU(), Metrics(accuracy), logwandb],
# fit model!(learner, 10, (trainiter, testiter))