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Integration with FluxTraining.jl

We have bindings in the form of WandbBackend which can be used as a dropin replacement for the default TensorboardBackend. Just ensure that FluxTraining.jl is installed and loaded explicitly.

Let's go through the FluxTraining.jl MNIST example and update it to use Wandb.

using Flux, FluxTraining, Wandb, Dates
using MLUtils: splitobs, unsqueeze
using MLDatasets: MNIST
using Flux: onehotbatch
using Flux.Data: DataLoader

# import data
data = MNIST(:train)[:]

const LABELS = 0:9

# unsqueeze to reshape from (28, 28, numobs) to (28, 28, 1, numobs)
preprocess((data, targets)) = unsqueeze(data, 3), onehotbatch(targets, LABELS)

# traindata and testdata contain both inputs (pixel values) and targets (correct labels)
traindata = MNIST(Float32, :train)[:] |> preprocess
testdata = MNIST(Float32, :test)[:] |> preprocess

# create iterators
trainiter, testiter = DataLoader(traindata, batchsize=128), DataLoader(testdata, batchsize=256);

# create model and optimizer
model = Chain(Conv((3, 3), 1 => 16, relu, pad = 1, stride = 2),
              Conv((3, 3), 16 => 32, relu, pad = 1), GlobalMeanPool(), Flux.flatten,
              Dense(32, 10))
lossfn = Flux.Losses.logitcrossentropy
optimizer = Flux.ADAM();

# prepare learner
logwandb = LogMetrics(WandbBackend(project = "Wandb.jl", 
                                    name = "fluxtrainingjl-integration-$(now())"))
learner = Learner(model, lossfn; callbacks=[ToGPU(), Metrics(accuracy), logwandb],

# fit model!(learner, 10, (trainiter, testiter))