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Hyperparameter Sweeps

We currently don't support Wandb Agents API since it leads to segfaults. Instead we recommend users to install Hyperopt.jl or any other HyperParameter Optimization Library. The resultant Wandb logs aren't as neat as the official sweeps but do get the job done.

using Hyperopt, Wandb

function f(x, a, b; c)
  return sum(@. x + (a - 3) ^ 2 + (b ? 10 : 20) + (c - 100) ^ 2) # Function to minimize

# This function dispatch must be present
# `lg` can be `WandbBackend` if using that with HyperParameter Sweep
function f(lg::WandbLogger, config)
  res = f(config["x"], config["a"], config["b"]; c = config["c"])
  Wandb.log(lg, Dict("result" => res))
  return res

hpsweep = WandbHyperParameterSweep()

# Main macro. The first argument to the for loop is always interpreted as the number of iterations
ho = @hyperopt for i = 50, sampler = RandomSampler(), # This is default if none provided
                   a = LinRange(1,5,1000), b = [true, false],
                   c = exp10.(LinRange(-1,3,1000))
    hpsweep(f, Dict("a" => a, "b" => b, "c" => c), project = "Wandb.jl",
            config = Dict("x" => 100))

After this is done, we need to do some manual tweaking in the Wandb UI to get a clean visualization. First, filter the runs using the tag in hpsweep. Then just add a Parallel Coordinates plot with the hyperparameters.

Parallel Coordinates Plot